SumIT : An OCR based tool for Tibetan Winter Business Sellers


This tool is designed specifically forTibetanWinter Business Sellers, aiming to alleviate the cumbersome process of manual calculations from their books. The inspiration for this tool struck me when I witnessed my father spending countless hours grappling with the complexities of calculating Bhulon and Mar Tsa, often under considerable stress. Seeing his struggle sparked the idea to develop a solution that streamlines these calculations, saving time and reducing the burden for business owners like him with just one simple click.


1. Click a Photo from your noteBook (make sure the Amounts are clear)

2. import the photo by either drag or click

3. the amount will show at down

Click or Drag to import the image Here

same image wont be fetch

Final Amount: 0 Rupee

The Accuracy of this Right now is not 100% kindly dont trust it all

The Picture scanned has no Number or the number is less than 100

Reason for less than 100

the less than 100 condition is applied as winter business atleast make more than this. one glove is 150 so it cant be true.

2024 Tenzin Delek. All Right Reserved

Made with Love and Tsampa(50% ButterTea, No Chura)